지지플랏의 DataScience

Grammarian 20180314 본문


Grammarian 20180314

지지플랏 2018. 3. 15. 01:03

1. 역할


2. Evaluator: Arnold Cho  Date:2018.03.14

The Grammarian demonstrated good listening skills by repeating key phrases the speakers used when delivering his or her report?

 - Outstanding(3 point / 3 point)

The Grammarian noted each instance that the word of the day or a derivative was used correctly during the meeting?

- Outstanding (3 point / 3 point)

The Grammarian remained alert during the meeting. He or she displayed acute awareness during the meeting and identified and clarified all distinctive grammar usage

- Outstanding (3 Point /3 point)

Assess the grammarian's behavior as a listener. Did the grammarian identify and repeat key phrases used by the speakers? What specific behavior indicated that he or she was listening for the word of the day and distinctive grammar usage?

- It was impressive debate as a grammarian. What I liked about your evaluation was show a good example for new role role taker. Especially, "Please help me welcome Toast master SooHo" It was considerate. I think It was one great way to give constructive feedback our member Great Job.

3. Grammarian Report

- Toastamaster: Please give him(her) a thunderous applause / Don't confuse him or her

- Speaker session: 멍때리다(Be absent-minded, Space out), 정이 많은(affectionate, loving) 정(affection, attachment) 친절한(warmhearted kind hearted), 시련(trouble, tough times,hardship) 시련을 겪다(undergo hardships)

- Table topic speaker: working as a president -> perform(carry out) a role, Company social club(사내 동아리) -> an in-house club

공동 1등 = joint first 


- 아는 내용이지만 발표자/진행자가 긴장해서 못한 부분을 굳이 캐지해서 되물을 필요는 없다(by 흥선)
